Banquet Presentation |
November 23, 2006 |
Anonymous Person from Halifax, Nova Scotia
The video presentation you produced was really inspiring and touching. Many people came up to me that evening and the next day to voice their thanks and appreciation. Besides for it being so moving they felt touched that the video was made just for the shluchos. Other years the video from the men's kinus is shown and many shluchos have previously viewed that one before our kinus.
I personally found most encouraging the footage of the girl (with her mother) who had left home at a young age for proper chinuch in NY.
I myself have been sending our 10 yr. old son, since he is 7 to study far from home.
We cannot even comprehend the extent of the inspiration and encouragement this production has and will have for so many.
Thank you for your hard work, concern and sensitivity and may all the chayos we receive from your videos translate to us seeing the Rebbe here physically with the coming of Moshiach now.
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